Best Santa Claus Sports Cards

Kris Kringle's Coolest Cards, Autographs, and Relics
  • December 21, 2020

With Christmas just four days away, let's you and I have some holiday fun and check out the coolest cards featuring none other than the man of the week - Santa Claus. From the original Santa cards to autographs, and even relics, you can find awesome Kris Kringle goodies for your collection.

We know 2020 has been a tough year to locate cards at retail prices.  The lack of product on store shelves is even more difficult this week with Christmas being on Friday; cards are most likely on your kids' wish list.  While you may not be able to find a Zion or Mahomes card right now, you could take a cheaper, more fun route and have a blast yourself while doing it.  Let's take a look at the coolest SANTA CLAUS cards you can buy!

This blog is sponsored by JUST COLLECT where we specialize in buying vintage cards, autographs, and collections.  We're good on Santa cards for now, but if you have any of THESE cards, we'd love to chat!

1990 Pro Set Santa Claus #1990

The O.G. Santa card.  Pro Set came into the NFL card business in 1989 and between that year through 1993 the company included a card for Santa Claus.  The 1989 Santa card was a promo for dealers; cards of Santa were sent with an actual Christmas card.  It wasn't until 1990 when Pro Set placed Santa in packs of cards, giving us a chance at pulling the man in red.  As a firm believer of Santa in 1990, I was more than happy to pull Mr. Claus and slide the card into my 9-pocket page and three-ring binder.  You can still pick this nostalgia-filled card up for less than $10 on eBay.  May be too late for you to grab this before Christmas morning via eBay, but maybe inquire are you local card shop!

2007 Topps Santa Claus #1 in 1952 Design

Topps put out an awesome box set in 2007 that had cards of Santa on the company's most popular set designs.  Hard not choose the layout that started it all - 1952.  Looking at Santa on this card, you can see the resemblance from one of the most iconic cards known in our hobby - the Mickey Mantle rookie.  Santa even has that stare that the Mick gave in his rookie card:

You can get a sealed box of 2007 Topps Santa Claus cards with the Topps designs, an autograph (more on that!) and a relic card for under $30; here is a box available on Amazon.  Check those PRIME deals - maybe get a box in by Christmas?

2016 Topps Santa Claus Autographed Card

Topps gave us sweet cards in 2016 and taking the cake for top card has to be an autograp from Kris Kringle himself.  True story - when I was about 8, I asked Santa Claus for his autograph.  As a card collector, I figured getting Santa's signature would be super cool.  When I woke up on Christmas morning, Santa did leave me his autograph next to the empty plate of cookies! I put the autograph aside and opened my presents.  After mom and dad threw all the torn wrapping paper and opened boxes away, I couldn't find Santa's autograph!  My parents have yet to 'fess up, but I have a feeling they accidently threw out my treasure...

Luckily for us, Topps released ten-card set in 2016 that included an autographed card from Santa!  The cards can be seen here but why look at a picture when you can see the big guy sign the cards on video!  This video is straight from Topps, so we know the autographs are legit.  If you're able to find any for this Christmas, keep me in mind; I've been a good boy.


2019 Topps Holiday Santa Claus Autographed Relic Card

I triple dog dare ya to find a cooler card than an autographed, game-used card from Santa!  Kris Kringle not only inked his name on the card, but there is also a piece of Santa outfit included.  Wonder if Santa wore this outfit on Christmas 2018.  The odds of pulling this out of the Holiday box was 1:3,568 packs. This card is a tad to come by, but last version sold on eBay for for $119.99.  You may be better off asking Santa for an autograph like I did.


We hope you have a great Holiday, no matter what you're celebrating.  If you pick up any of these Santa cards in time for Christmas for your kids or for you to reminisce, we'd love to see them!  Feel free to share pictures on any of our social media pages:


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