We get a lot of inquiries from people interested in selling or finding the value of their collection. Many collections that you see on our website tend to be the ones with valuable, vintage cards. While those are insightful to clients who may possess some of these cards, there may be some that are considering selling their collection, look at our website, see a collection like the Play Ball, Cross Continental or Niagara Falls, and wonder if their cards would be of any interest to us because they may fear their collection is not big enough or have enough value. We are interested in small collections. There is no collection that we consider too big or too small with regard to quantity, although we prefer at least a few hundred dollars worth of value. The collection may eventually result in an offer that provides life-changing money or maybe helps pay or defray some expenses. Regardless, we’re interested. Just Collect has been buying collections of all sizes, but small collections have value and need love, too.
By example, an individual from Medford, New Jersey brought us a small tobacco card collection of nine Piedmont T206 baseball cards that we ended up purchasing. Although there were just nine cards in the lot, they included 3 Hall of Famers; Vic Willis, Sam Crawford and John McGraw as well as two of the scarcer Southern League players. A gentleman recently contacted us from Omaha, Nebraska with a collection of 1950’s-60’s cards featuring such stars as Mickey Mantle and Willie Mays cards in addition to a 1968 Topps Nolan Ryan rookie card. After sending in his collection through the mail, we completed a full evaluation and made him an offer. He took a couple days to consider and accepted our offer. This particular collection stood out to us not only because of the players in the collection, but because it was the first time Just Collect bought cards from Nebraska. Another collection that came to us through the mail hailed from a family near Atlanta, Georgia. They had a 1958 and 1959 Parkhurst hockey collection and included Jacques Plante, Tim Horton and Boom Boom Geoffrion. We were able to purchase their initial collection, and they have since sent in additional collections containing cards from the 1952 Topps and 1955 Parkhurst as well as many other sports and non-sports cards. It’s a little ironic that this collection came to us from all the way down south in Georgia (which lost their NHL franchise to Calgary decades ago) considering the sport of hockey is typically a cold weather sports. It just goes to show that people from all over love collecting and you never know who will collect what... but we are always buying hockey cards! Most of the collections that we see are sports cards, but we also do buy autographs and memorabilia, and not long ago, we had a local gentleman, who had connections to several retired players, visit our Somerset, New Jersey office with a signed Julius Erving basketball, several Ernie Banks signed baseballs and a hat, plus a few baseballs that had been autographed by players from the Negro Leagues including “Double Duty” Radcliffe was on one multi-signed ball featuring Josh Gibson, Jr. An offer was made for his collection and he accepted within minutes and mentioned that he would be in touch as he had other material. These collections, although not life changing, do have real value. If you’re sitting with a collection and you aren’t sure if it has value, contact us and we’ll help you figure out what you have and how much it may be worth. You have no risk and absolutely nothing to lose! While big collections tend to get the glitz, glamour and headlines, small collections need love and Just Collect would love to hear more about your collection, no matter how big or small!