Zeenuts: 1929-1930 Collection with Coupons

All that remained from a collection passed down two generations
  • April 28, 2017

1929 Zeenut with couponDUCK!

It is raining Zeenuts!  Well, it isn't actually raining Zeenuts, but when you end up with a collection or two each year with some Zeenut cards in it, the fact that we've had two collections with some Zeenut cards in them in the past month is pretty surprising.  

Most collectors have never heard of Zeenuts and when they first hear about them, they often visualize cards that might have been issued with Zagnut candy bars.  This isn't the case.  These minor league cards have a very avid following and boast a few very select and desirable pieces, including two different Joe DiMaggio cards BEFORE he became a member of the New York Yankees.

Minor League Cards Have Major League Value

Zeenut cards, including some included in another recent collection that we purchased, have been around for quite some time.  Originally issued for the Pacific Coast League in 1911, they continued to be issued until 1938 with a few years absent from the run.  Finding a few of the gems buried within these issues has become the goal of many collectors.  Whether it is a Jim Thorpe card, Ernie Nevers, DiMaggio, Lefty Grove and a few other assorted toughies, the Zeenut issue boasts some great potential for value in a minor league issue.


Dad Really Sold Them?

A gentleman called us with a collection of cards that he received from his great-grandfather.  The Zeenut cards were part of a larger collection that was passed down, but at some point, the majority of the collection was sold off by the man's father, unbeknownst to the rest of the family, when financial issues popped up.  The balance of the collection was sold off, but since the Zeenuts were smaller and not well recognized, it is uncertain of whether they were overlooked, the buyer didn't want them or perhaps they were separate from the remainder of the collection.  The owner mentioned that he recalled a lot of cards from the 1950's, including at least one 1952 Topps Mickey Mantle card, as he remembered the blue sky in the background.

The cards that remained from the collection consisted of over 70 Zeenut cards, mostly from the 1929 and 1930 issues, that ranged from PR to VG condition and all but 9 had the coupons removed.




We reviewed the entire collection, valued the cards, including 9 cards that included the COUPON.  The 9 coupon cards were mostly from 1929 with 2 from 1930 and a single example from 1932.  We provided the owner with our comprehensive review and our purchase offer and he was happy to accept the offer and sell us the collection that had been part of his family for almost 90 years.

The PCL has a rich history and still operates as one of the AAA leagues for Major League Baseball. Just Collect is always interested in vintage PCL cards, including Zeenuts, Home Run Kisses, Obak, Mother's Cookies and Bowman cards as well as other minor league cards from 1879-1979. So, if you have any vintage cards or items from minor league baseball, please contact us today for a free appraisal.


Our Buying Philosophy

We've run into a wide range of people and collections over the past decade. Although we are known for buying vintage sports cards and especially vintage basketball cards, we are also extremely interested in buying non-sports cards, also!

Every collection and every collector is different and we treat EVERY collection with the respect and attention that we show for our own collections. We understand that many have put their heart and soul into building their collection. So when you're ready to sell, Just Collect understands the feelings that you're going through and we will work with you to help you reach a decision that is a WIN/WIN, because if you're not happy, we're not happy.


We Are Always Buying

Just Collect is always buying vintage sports and non-sports cards from 1879 to 1979 as well as select modern cards. If you have a collection that you are considering selling, contact us today to discuss your collection and get our industry leading purchase offer. If you have a collection that you want appraised, please contact us and we would be happy to discuss your collection and help you understand the real cash value of your collection in the current marketplace.

Don't hesitate to check out our Google Reviews left by many of the great people that have considered selling collections to Just Collect.


The Zeenut Collection Video:



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