WWE's The Rock's Football Rookie Card Sells for $45,100

Dwyane Johnson's Rookie Card SOARS in Value
  • February 07, 2021

Despite never playing in the NFL, Dwayne Johnson AKA The Rock, watched his football rookie card sell for a whopping $45,100 on this Super Bowl Sunday!  Check out the card and the enormous price increase from the movie star and former WWE champion.

Before The Rock was a ten-time WWE World Champion and tearing up Hollywood making films such as installments in the Fast & Furious franchise, Jumanji, or getting You're Welcome stuck in your head when the little ones watch Moana, Dwyane Johnson was a football player.

This blog is sponsored by JUST COLLECT where we specialize in buying vintage cards, autographs, and collections. We're always down for vintage NFL or wrestling wax and some singles, too. If you're looking to sell any of your old cards to save up and buy cards from The Rock, THESE cards are on our BUY LIST.

PS  - don't forget about our Golden Edition EVENT where we're giving away over $3,000 in break credit you could use to snatch up some vintage and modern football or wrestling cards!  Check out our event HERE

In 1991, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson was a member of Miami's National Championship squad.  The NCAA team that stood at 12-0 and produced the Heisman Trophy winner at QB also boasted number 94, a Defensive Tackle that entertains us daily here in 2021.  While The Rock never made it as a pro football player, his rookie card commands a big price on the secondary market more than cards of gridiron greats do.  Today, on Super Bowl Sunday, The Rock's rookie card scored huge.

1994 Miami/Bumble Bee Perforated

  • From a perforated sheet; hard to separate into good condition
  • 24 cards in a set
  • Contains rookie cards of Hall of Famers Warren Sapp and Ray Lewis
  • The Rock has 30 known examples in PSA 10 grade

Today, the Rock rookie sold for $45,100 😯

What's strange about the price tag is that not only did the Rock never play a down in the NFL, but the same set has rookie cards of TWO players in the Football Hall of Fame which are worth far less dollars than Rock's card.  The Rock also has wrestling rookie cards, too, and neither are worth nearly as much as his football rookie.  If you're interested in valuable WWF and WWE cards, check out or blog on cards you can cash in on!


This same rookie card graded PSA 10 has risen in price quite a bit recently.  Our good friend, Darren Rovell, kept track of prices:

  • June 2020: $1,500
  • October 2020: $9,000
  • December 2020: $13,988
  • Today: $45,100!!

ALL sports cards have been on the rise; a star like The Rock, despite not playing in the NFL, appears to not be immune to the price booms.  As you can see, the eBay sale had 50 bids; this wasn't a one-bid fluke.

The Rock himself took note, too:


Wrestle Mania 37 is on March  28th.   Do you think any of the Rock rookies (remember, there are 30 copies in PSA 10) will reach 50 K by Wrestle Mania?  Let us know!

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